Organizer was made to help you saving your items inside your chests automatically. You don't need to waste your time looking each chest to know where to put an item, organizer will do it for you!
You can define the range area that this Organizer will search for chests using its GUI interface! Search Area equal to zero means no automation about getting items from the floor near the organizer.
Put your items inside organizer and click Organize button. Organizer will search for a chest that contains the same item and will save the item inside this chest. If organizer do not find any chest with the same item, the item will stay inside organizer. In this cases you need to use the Force button that will save the item inside the first availabe chest with available slots. Organizer work with bags, when you organize, force or triturate, the bag will not move, only items inside the bag will move!
The triturate button will destroy all items inside organizer and this will give you some extra XP (look at XP value on top of this screen, if you put a lot of blocks here, the XP level will increase).
Search area is a value that means distance from this block to get items that are on the floor and automatically Organize and after Force. If this value is 0, no automatically function will be executed (you need to click Save button to take effect).

You can use organizer with automation!! Yes! You can use Hopper and other automated blocks to get or put things inside organizer!