Dead Player is not a mob or animal, it is just your dead body that appear when you die.
This body is usefull because it will save all of your inventory (including your armor), for 10 minutes (configurable). After this time all your items will be dropped on the floor. This way you have some time to get back at the place you died and get your things back (even in the lava!).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Minecraft 1.7.10 has a bug that I noticed only when I build this: when you die, some entities get not rendered and sometimes they are rendered but you can't interact with them. So you need to exit the world or server and login again (or go far away and return again). So, if you die near your spawn position, or if you die more tham one time before get your body items, leave the server and join again to see your dead body. Sory for this...