Bags is very usefull to carry more items with you. Each bag has 27 slots and a big bag has 54 slots. Bags will get items from the floor automatically for you.
Small bag can carry less items than a big bag. This bag can't be configured. This bag is the default bag but you can use it with Organizer and it will get items from the floor for you, only this.
To make this bag get bigger, you will need to hit a villager with it. The villager will work and make a hole in your bag. With this hole you can put an ender eye inside to make the big bag.
To put ender eye inside the hole, you will need to hit an enderman!
This is a small bag.
This is a small bag when you hit the villager. It has a hole in it
This is a big bag, after hitting and enderman with the smaller holed bag.
Big bag has a lot of slots to use. Only big bag can be configured.
You can configure the bag color clicking at bag button icon.
You can configure the bag behavior clicking the right button icon. This example has am enchanted book that represents that this bag will only get items on the floor automatically if the item is enchanted.
Clicking this button will change behavior to another one.
Note: if you do not want the bag get items from the floor automatically, change this icon to the bedrock icon. This will disable bag capability of getting items automatically.