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Working with model

Models created with this mod will be saved at this location:


Inside this folder will be the model structure xml file, model textures, model exported to minecraft java code and some other files necessary for this mod to work.


To start modeling, first you need to enter on creative mode to get the Test Model egg to be able to spawn an entity to test. After spawning the entity, click on it to open entity GUI.

NOTE: If you want to start your job beggining from an existing Minecraft (or other mod), mob, you need to put the mob near the EntityTest and click on EntityTest while holding EntityTest Egg! Take care here because if you try to open the GUI again while holding the egg, you can loose your work because this mod will try to start from the near mob again!


There is another way to start modelling from another Minecraft model. As an example, lets start our work copying Creeper model. Type this text inside Model name (with > char), and hit enter: >ModelCreeper. Not all models can be copied because of their constructor java code, but almost all models work with this. A better way to do it is placing a real mob near your entity and click with an egg at hands. =]


To rename your model, just type the new name inside this box and hit enter. Remember, the new model name must be unique inside mobcraft folder.


Click this button to start a new model. When clicked, you will need to provide the model name and this name must be unique.


When you click this button, the file tree will be show with all models available inside mobcraft folder. If you click this button again, the file tree will be closed and nothing will happen but when file tree is opened, when you click at the name of model you want, the model will be opened for you to work with it.


When you click this button, all your work will be saved in xml model file.


Use this button to make a copy of your model. When you click this button, you will need to provide a new name for your model and it will be saved as this new name. The previous model will not be changed.


When you finish your model, you can click at this button to export the model as Minecraft java file and use this file to insert into your Mineraft mod project.

When your model is exported to java code, you will notice that all boxes are children of a box named null_. This is very usefull inside Minecraft code when you need to move or rotate your model, just work with this box and your entire model will be affected.


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