Working with boxes
This mod is very powerfull when working with boxes hierarchy because it uses own Minecraft system to do the things, so we can say that this mod is a WYSIWYG program. The hierarchy can be made just draging and droping selected box, you don't need to create pieces for this. Here you will see the basics to work with boxes, more on this can be learned at mouse and keyboard commands.
When you click this button, a new box will be created with a random name (not random at all). You just need to take care with the name of your boxes, DO NOT USE default names given by this mod because it will conflict next time you open your model and try to create a new box because the name of new box alread exists.
The new block created will be based on selected box, so all information like position, size, angle and texture offsets will be copied.
This button is used to duplicate the selected box and its childrens. This is VERY usefull to copy left side of your model and make the right side when they are simetric. The name of new boxes will be based on the original name copied.
This button is used to change selected box to the previous one.
This button is used to change selected box to the next one.
This button is used to change the visibility of the selected box and all its childrens. You can show/hide boxes.
NOTE: this condition will be exported to java code too.
This button is used to delete selected box. In this case, it will not delete childrens but it will move childrens of deleted box to deleted box parent box.
This is the UNDO button. It will recover your model to a previous situation. Be aware of this button because there isn't a way to REDO.​
The undo history can be large if you are working for a long time with your model. UNDO history are cleared if you open a new model, or start a new one.​